We help manufacturers capture value by closing the loop

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Bugaboo developed a flexible leasing plan of their innovative pushchairs and strollers and combines it with value creation through reuse and remanufacturing.


Gorenje explored alternative business models for their washing machines including leasing plans and selling wash cycles instead of products.  Additionally, the company developed a parallel business of product returns for remanufacturing.


Loewe wants to increase the life of their products by turning televisions into entertainment platforms where maintenance and upgrade of the experience via ‘product features’ becomes the new key component of the business model.


tedrive aimed to understand how new business models, product design, supply chain and IT solutions can increase the share of reuse of their steering equipment and optimise their remanufacturing operations.

ResCoM, which stands for Resource Conservative Manufacturing, has developed a collection of methodologies and tools for the implementation of closed-loop manufacturing systems. Co-funded by the European Commission, the project concluded in October 2017. The ResCoM outcomes help designers and manufacturers understand how collection, remanufacturing and reuse of products can lead to more profitable, resource-efficient and resilient business practices compared to the current linear manufacturing system. The platform and tools are accompanied by a series of industrial case studies demonstrating the benefits of its application across various industries.


ResCoM partners gather in Stockholm for final meeting

ResCoM partners gather in Stockholm for final meeting

Oct 30, 2017

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ResCoM tools support manufacturers to design products for a circular economy

ResCoM tools support manufacturers to design products for a circular economy

Oct 09, 2017

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ResCoM penultimate General Assembly hosted in Amsterdam

ResCoM penultimate General Assembly hosted in Amsterdam

Jun 05, 2017

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Why is this important?

Moving towards restorative models of production and consumption presents an opportunity for industry to capture more value from their products and materials, as well as mitigating the risks of price volatility and material supply. If new closed-loop manufacturing models are implemented by an increasing number of manufacturers, this will also benefit the wider economy. It will help establish more economic resilience and decouple growth from the demand on finite resources, whilst reconciling economic development with that of environmental priorities.

Our planet and our economy cannot survive if we continue with the 'take, make, use and throw away' approach. We need to retain precious resources and fully exploit all the economic value within them. The circular economy is about reducing waste and protecting the environment, but it is also about a profound transformation of the way our entire economy works. By rethinking the way we produce, work and buy we can generate new opportunities and create new jobs.

European Commission First Vice-President, Frans Timmermans, on the launch of the EU Circular Economy Package, December 2015

Who are we?

The ResCoM project comprises twelve organisations across research, industry and technology. Each partner brings their specialist focus to the project whilst collaborating closely to ensure an integrated approach is applied.